How to Sell Your Judgment. A Comprehensive Guide.

Congratulations! You have spent your money, time, and energy to win your court judgment. The judgment orders the debtor to pay you. But how or when will your debtor pay?

After a creditor finally gets a judgment against a debtor in the court of law, they feel like they have won. But creditors soon come to realize that collecting your judgment is a whole separate process. So they may be thinking, “What if I could sell my judgment for cash?”.

Why would you sell your California judgment?

The fact that you won the lawsuit against your debtor does not mean that you will be paid your debt. It is your responsibility as a judgment creditor to follow the legal process to force the debtor to pay your debt. You need to come up with a plan of how you will collect it yourself.

Collecting a judgment is not a simple process. It depends on the nature of the debtor’s assets, and, the judgment creditor may face a lot of challenges when collecting the judgment. Read here how to collect a judgment.

Selling a judgment in California

If you do not want to go through the hassle of collecting your judgment, you could sell it. But not all judgment collection agencies can be of help when you want to sell your judgment for cash. Some will give you a quick payment before they collect. But other collection agencies will only pay you after they’ve gone through the tedious process of collecting your judgment.

By selling your judgment to the right collection agency, you will receive immediate cash for your judgment. Some judgment collection agencies in California will help you with your judgment collection and some will pay you cash now. You only need to choose one that suits your needs.

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Can I sell my judgment for cash?

You won your claim but haven’t been able to collect your judgment. Maybe you’ve even levied your debtor’s bank account,  garnished their wages, or placed liens on their property, but still haven’t been able to make them pay your debt.

When your judgment is for lost income or damaged property delayed payments are sometimes especially difficult. You may not have the resources to wait for the judgment to be paid by the judgment debtor, and neither do most collection firms. But some firms do have resources to pay you cash today and to wait for the judgment to be paid.

However, there’s a catch. The judgment collection company does not pay for the full amount of the judgment. It only pays you a part of your judgment — sometimes only a small fraction of the judgment amount. The judgment collection company needs to make a margin between the price it pays you and how much it eventually collects from the debtor.

The amount that you can sell your judgment for cash depends on the age of the debt, the amount of the debt, and the financial status of the debtor. Compare offers from different companies to select the best place to sell your judgment. Moreover, you can use a quote from one company to leverage against another to get the best selling price.

Additionally, look for a reputation for fair-dealing, colleague endorsements, and customer ratings to find a company that will buy your judgment fairly.

Don't Collect Your Judgment.

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I want to sell my judgment, but am I allowed to?

I want to sell my judgement, can I ?

People may want to sell their judgment but wonder if it’s legal. The answer is yes! Any judgment can be sold just like any other personal property. This includes civil judgments, labor board judgments, divorce decree judgments, probate judgments, and bankruptcy court judgments. Any judgment can be sold.

When you sell your judgment, you are washing your hands of the entire lawsuit. The person you sell your judgment to steps into your shoes and is the new judgment creditor.

Anything the judgment buyer does after you sell your judgment is separate from you. They will bring all judgment enforcement actions in their name only. You will have no involvement in, or liability for, their actions. In fact, many judgment enforcers will include indemnification language in their purchase agreement.

If you want to avoid the legal pitfalls of collecting your judgment, go ahead and contact a judgment buyer. Sell your judgment for cash.

How much can I sell a judgment for?

Can I sell my judgment for cash?

Most judgment sellers expect to be paid more than what their judgments are worth. Though all judgments are different there are some rules of thumb you can apply to get a rough idea of the value of your judgment. Anyone who buys judgments for cash will look at the following factors to make you an offer.

If the debtor has no visible assets or cash in the bank then it may be impossible to collect your judgment regardless if you use judgment collection agents or not. Don’t expect a cash offer for your judgment.

If the debtor has a good job and no bankruptcies you may be able to sell your judgment for cash. But don’t expect to sell your judgment for more than a few pennies on the dollar. Your judgment is a better candidate for a collection agency who will pay you after they collect.

But if the judgment debtor owns real estate with equity then there’s a good chance you can sell your judgment for cash today. A judgment buyer will consider the amount of real estate equity, subtract costs of judgment enforcement, add a margin for error and expenses, and make a cash offer for your judgment.
Depending on the preceding factors a cash offer for your judgment will range from pennies on the dollar to as much as 50% of the original judgment amount. If you came across a judgment buyer claiming to pay over 50% cash for judgments, be suspicious. Before a judgment collection company buys your judgment for more than a few pennies for a dollar, they will perform an intensive due diligence before making a cash offer.

Why are most judgments worth pennies on the dollar?

how much can i sell a judgement for?

Here are for frequent reasons why most judgments sell for pennies on the dollar.

  • The debtor has declared bankruptcy.
  • The debtor has no assets and poor employment history.
  • The debtor has other judgments against him.
  • Your judgment is a default judgment that could easily by vacated.

There is no guarantee that any judgment can be enforced. One thing you should know is that judgments are not cash, and they solely depend on the debtor’s assets worth.

How can you maximize the worth of your judgment?

Know your judgment debtor! Any information you have about your judgment debtor may increase the value of your judgment. Name(s), alias(es), address, age, social security number, employment, relatives — all are helpful. Make a list of any assets or businesses you think the debtor owns. The more the debtor’s assets, the more likely it is that judgment buyers would want to buy the judgment for cash.

Secondly, don’t underestimate how long it will take to get your debtor’s payment. It might be tomorrow, a year from now, 10 years from, or even never.  Patience will maximize value. Although, choosing to work with a judgment collection agent will increase the chances of collecting your judgment sooner than you expect.

Sell Us Your Court Judgment

We buy California court judgments so you don't have to do judgment enforcement.

How do I sell my judgment for cash?

Selling your judgment for cash is the easiest way to recover your debt. The time and energy used to sue your debtor can be a waste of time even though you won the claim suit, and, the courts are of little help in recovering your debt.

So, what is the next step to take after winning your claim suit? It’s possible to sell a judgment for cash to a judgment collection agency.

Whether the judgment collection agency pays for the judgment on a contingency basis cash upfront the process of selling your judgment is quick and easy: The judgment buyer will overnight you two one-page documents to sign and return. If you are selling your judgment for cash, they will include a check. That’s all there is to selling your judgment! Sign your name twice and cash your check.

Where can I sell a judgment?

Where can i sell a judgment?

Though winning a judgment is a joyful moment, the process of getting what is yours can be tricky and tedious. This is the reason why there is an industry that has been built up around the concept of selling judgments.

Selling your judgment will get your money much faster than following the legal collection process. This is economically sound especially if you are in a financial crisis and need your cash almost immediately.

You can find many judgment collection agencies online that are ready to buy your judgment. You could also list your judgment on a judgment market place.

How do I sell a court judgment?

Selling a judgment is a process by itself. After the judgment creditor lists the judgment on a judgment marketplace, interested buyers will send their offers. Afterward, the seller reviews the letters of interest and chooses the most favorable. The chosen buyers are  contacted and the negotiation process begins.

Since the parties purchasing judgment for cash want to buy it as cheap as possible, you’ll need to be tough and only accept offers you feel are fair for your judgment. If you show the buyers you are flexible, they may try to take advantage of you. Remember, they are in business to make money.

Once you have a deal with the chosen party, you will need to go to through the website’s purchase and sale process. They want their cut too.

Another option is to sell your judgment for cash to a judgment collection agency. This is a more informal negotiation that is less stressful. Though direct and clear communication you can often get more cash for your judgment.

Is it possible to sell a labor board judgment?

What if you have been awarded a labor board judgment, can it be recovered? This depends on the financial situation of your previous employer.

There are three situations that can make you not to collect your labor judgment.

  • If your previous employer owed you money but they went out of business.
  • If your employer has declared bankruptcy
  • The labor board rarely makes the owners of the business liable for the judgment. It, therefore, becomes difficult for you to collect the judgment personally.

If you do not want to go through the tedious process of collecting your judgment, you can go ahead and sell it. This the only way you can recover your debt with no hassle. A judgment buyer will research your labor board judgment and make you a  cash offer.

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Selling a labor board award.

How do I sell a labor board award? If you have a labor board award the labor board will file it as a judgment with the appropriate Superior Court. Then the main factor in selling your labor board judgment is if your previous employer has declared bankruptcy. You can look for a judgment buyer to buy your judgment.

Labor judgments are filled at the civil court, regardless of size – not in the small claims court. In California, the Labor Board Code 1194.3 states, ‘an ex-employee can only recover the cost of an attorney and that used to enforce the judgment for the unpaid wages.’ However, this can only be against the named company and not the owners. If the business is out of business, then you are unlikely to collect.

If the court has awarded you with a labor board judgment, you can go also sell it to a judgment collection agent. You can ask for a reference from friends and relatives who have previously sold their judgment. If your employer has assets to pay you off, you will likely find a judgment collection agent willing to buy your judgment.

You can also make use of a judgment market place to find a buyer for your judgment. You just list your labor board judgment in the hope of getting an offer.

How do I sell a judgment?

How do I find judgment collectors?

There is no way you can force your creditor to pay you what they owe you. They will either do it willingly, or you will have to use some extra effort to make them pay you. Here, by ‘extra effort’ we are referring to taking the legal route to collect your judgment.

When you have finally made your decision of selling your judgment for cash, you need to look for a judgment collection agency that will buy at a fair price. Make sure to approach several companies so you can choose the one with the best offer.

When you have finally chosen the judgment collection agency to buy your judgment, make sure to have a contract that shows that both parties have agreed to the transaction. Also, make sure that you clearly understand the contents of the contract before you make a deal.

Tips for a Successful Sale

Always make sure to get more information about the judgment collection agency from the Better Business Bureau website. Here, you will get to see the rating and how they handled and resolved complaints from customers.

How do I sell my judgment for cash?

Companies will always need a copy of your judgment, copy of certain court documents, and your debtor’s personal information. The amount that a judgment collection will pay depends on the age of the judgment and other factors.

How do I sell my judgment to a collection agency?

You have finally won your claim suit against your debtor but do not want to go the process of collecting. You can use the help of judgment collection agency to help you collect your judgment. First, you need to sign over your judgment rights to a judgment buyer for the agreed amount.

Also, it is important that the agreed terms are written down and both parties to sign. You can now exchange the agreed amount with your judgment buyer.

Have you won a claim suit against your judgment and wondering how you can collect your judgment fast?

You can now go ahead and sell your judgment to recover your cash fast. With the above guide, you can now comfortably sell your judgment to the right judgment buyer comfortably. I hope your question ‘Can I sell my judgment?’ has been answered.

Don't Collect Your Judgment.

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Judgment Enforcement Guide. How to Enforce My Judgment.

Winning a court judgment is just the first step in obtaining damages from your debtor. Judgment enforcement is the next critical step. After the court has entered a judgment, the losing party is supposed to pay, but often the debtor doesn’t pay. So, what is the process of enforcing judgments?

Enforcing court judgment can be a difficult process especially if the debtor does not voluntarily pay your judgment. In such a case, you need to look for ways to enforce the judgment.

How do I enforce a court judgment?

Most court judgment enforcement is though filing documents. The court clerk will check that you have properly completed the documents. But they can not give you legal advice. After the court has processed your filings you may need to serve copies on the judgment debtor, their employer, or their bank. For example, a writ of execution is delivered to the sheriff who will personally serve the document per your instructions. The sheriff then sends a return of service to the creditor and it is filed with the court. If the debtor objects, a hearing may be set. During the hearing, the judge will either uphold the garnishment and pay you, or will allow the debtor a claim of exemption. If the debtor fails to show up in court, you will likely prevail.

What is judgment enforcement?

After you have sued your debtor and won, the court may award you a money judgment or order. If the judgment debtor fails to pay the amount ordered by the court, the judgment creditor will have to apply Enforcement of Judgment Law to enforce the judgment. The court will not automatically enforce the judgment. It is up to the judgment creditor to follow the enforcement process.

What does it mean to enforce a judgment?

A judgment is a ruling by the court law in a lawsuit. A final judgment resolves the issues between the two parties (judgment creditor and judgment debtor) and clearly states the obligations of each party in the lawsuit. For Example, in a civil case, the judge may find the defendant liable and thus award money to the plaintiff. On the other hand, the judge may also find the defendant not liable and therefore not award anything. The need for judgment enforcement arises when a judgment or order issued by the court is not paid. Although some people comply with a court judgment, others ignore the judgment and refuse to settle what they owe. When a judgment creditor refuses to pay a judgment, enforcement is required to make the debtor pay up their debt. When a creditor wants to enforce a judgment, he will need to go back to court if the judgment debtor refuses to pay. The judgment creditor has several options for enforcing court judgment depending on the monetary damages. For some judgments, the judgment creditor can garnish the judgment debtor’s wages, levy a bank account,  or even have a lien placed on their property.

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Enforcement of judgment California

After a judgment creditor obtains a judgment, judgment collection is the responsibility of the creditor. Therefore, the judgment creditor has to look for ways to collect the debt themselves using California Enforcement of Judgment Laws. The courts provide many documents for the judgment creditor that will help them with judgment collection.

Things to do before Enforcing Judgment

Before beginning the process of judgment enforcement, you need to do the bellow things.

Locate the Judgment Debtor

Before the efforts of collecting your judgment, you need to locate your judgment debtor. This should be done as soon as you enter your judgment. However, as time passes, it could be difficult to locate a judgment debtor. There are many excellent people search tools on the Internet and most offer a lot of information for free.

Determine the Debtors Assets

An order of examination also known as a debtor’s examination can be a valuable tool in learning about your debtor. This is a court proceeding where the debtor is brought in and questioned about their income and property for the sake of judgment collection. Additionally, you can subpoena third parties for information, such as their mortgage lender or bank.

Calculate the Amount Owed

Before enforcing court judgment you need to know exactly what your judgment debtor owes you. The amount on the judgment is rarely the final amount paid by the debtor unless they pay the judgment in full promptly.

The judgment creditor is entitled to reimbursement of any costs the judgment creditor incurs during judgment collection, such as issuing a writ of execution. Additionally, judgments that are not paid accrue 10% interest per year.

How do I enforce my Judgment?

If a judgment debtor has refused to pay the judgment then the enforcement process begins. There are many methods that can be used to collect a judgment. Below are common judgment enforcement methods you can use to collect your judgment.

Collect from Wages

If a judgment debtor is employed, his or her income can be garnished up to 25% until the judgment is paid in full.

Collect Money from the Debtors Bank (Bank Levy)

If the judgment debtor has an account or a safe deposit box, you can collect your judgment from their account or seize the contents of the safe deposit box.

Place a lien on Real Property

You can place a lien on the judgment debtor’s property with an abstract of judgment. In case the debtor tries to sell or refinance their real property, the judgment creditor will be paid the judgment in full plus the accrued interest. In some cases, you can ‘foreclose’ the judgment lien and force the sale of the debtor’s property.

Place a lien on Personal Property

A judgment creditor can place a lien on personal property two ways: File a Notice of Judgment Lien (Form JL1) with the California Secretary of State; and, personally serve an Order of Examination (OEX) on the debtor. The JL1 lien expires after five years and the OEX expires after one year. If you uncover personal property you can instruct the sheriff to levy and sell any personal property you uncover. ‘Personal property’ is anything valuable that can be sold for cash, for example: jewelry, automobiles, electronic devices, musical instruments, etc.

Place a lien on a lawsuit a debtor has against someone else

If the debtor has sued someone and is hoping to recover some money, you can place a lien on the money the debtor hopes to collect when he or she wins the lawsuit. This is accomplished by filing a Notice of Lien (Form EJ-185) in the lawsuit.

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How do I find a judgment enforcement agency/service?

Many companies claim to help you enforce your judgment successfully. But, how do you find the best? Here are some methods you can use to find judgment enforcement agency.


Asking your attorney, financial advisor, friends, or family is one of the best ways to find your judgment enforcement agency. You can never go wrong with this method. You’re sure to work with a company that provides excellent services.


Most judgment agencies that are ready and willing to work with you can be found on the Internet. For example, on Google, a search for ‘judgment enforcement agency California’ will provide you many leads. Check out the screenshot below.

find judgment enforcement agencies

How will you choose the best judgment agency on the internet? Their website is a good indicator of the type of service you can expect. Is it professional and up to date? Or, is it sloppy and old? Also, check for reviews left by customers who have used their services. Always consider working with a company that has positive reviews.

Is it hard to enforce a judgment?

Enforcing court judgment is not as easy as it sounds. You need to exactly know the legal process to enforce your judgment successfully. Sometimes, debtors may be stubborn and unwilling to pay what they owe you. When you do it the wrong way, your debtor may be able to transfer or hide his assets to avoid paying you.

A good first step is to contact your judgment debtor with a formal letter or invoice. This will be the first attempt to enforce your judgment. You should be polite and don’t threaten the debtor or attempt to harass them.

Secondly, make arrangements to carry out a debtor’s examination to exactly know the assets that your debtor has. This is done through the court.

If your debtor cannot afford to settle the entire judgment, you can consider settling for a lesser amount. Though you’ll get paid less, it will reduce the collection cost and time.

The Legal Collection Process

To start the collection process and get paid, you obtain a Writ of Execution from the court. File the writ of execution in the clerk’s office to have it issued. Here, you’re required to fill proper forms for the process.

Take your writ of execution to the sheriff and ask for a seizure assets form. Here, however, You must know the details of the assets you need to be seized. For garnishment, you need to know which bank your employer uses.

In case your attempts to enforce your judgment fails, consider hiring an expert.

Sell Us Your Court Judgment

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Who can help me enforce my judgment?

Judgment enforcement agencies will always be available to help you collect your judgment from your creditor when they have refused to pay. They can either collect the judgment for you or buy your judgment, depending on the value of the judgment and the debtor’s circumstances.

The collection agency will choose recovery methods like garnishing wages, levying bank accounts, or placing a lien on the debtor’s property. For you to enforce a judgment, make sure to look for a reliable judgment collection agency to do it for you.

How do I enforce a labor board judgment?

The law requires an employer to pay his or her employers accurately and promptly. California has many minimum requirements that employers should pay their employees. The employer can not pay less than what is mandated by law. If your employer owes you money and refuses to pay, there are methods to fix the situation that may result in obtaining a labor board judgment.

Speak with your Employer

If you have unpaid wages or salary, make sure you speak to your employer as soon as you notice it. This could be due to a payroll issue and can be corrected in time. Make sure you give your employer enough time to rectify the problem before seeking legal measures.

It is important to be sure about what your employer owes you before taking any legal help.

File a Wage Claim with the Labor Commissioner’s Office

You have the right to file a wage claim when your employer doesn’t pay wages or benefits owed. A wage claim starts the process to collect on those unpaid wages or benefits. If your wage claim is successful, the Labor Commissioner will file it as a court judgment against your employer. You can then enforce your labor board judgment in the same way as any other judgment.

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How do I enforce a labor board award?

If your employer owes you wages and has refused to pay you, you can seek help from the California Labor Board. First, the labor board will review your claim and conduct an investigation. Then it will hold a hearing for the final determination of your claim case. After you are awarded your judgment, the California Labor Board will automatically enter your judgment against your former employer in the civil court system.

When awarded a judgment, you can attempt to collect the judgment yourself or assign it to the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE). Assigning your judgment to the DLSE for collection is free. But you get what you paid for: nothing. Collecting your judgment yourself or with the help of a judgment collection professional is better.

You could also take a copy of your judgment to a qualified attorney in recovering labor board judgments.  Your attorney will then review your judgment and later advice you on the best methods to use when collecting your judgment.

Collect from your Employer

If you were paid by check, review one of them to get your employers bank details. With these details, you can your employer’s bank account. First, obtain a writ of execution from the court clerk. Then deliver the writ to the Sheriff with instructions to levy your employer’s bank account.

You can also ask the court awarding you the judgment to direct the sheriff to do a “till tap” or put a “keeper” in the debtor’s business. In a “till tap” he sheriff will go to the business and take enough money out of the cash register to pay your judgment. In a “keeper” the sheriff will remain in the judgment debtor’s business and take all the funds that come in until the judgment is paid.

Also, you could have the court issue an “Abstract of Judgment” to place a lien on your employer’s real property. This will prevent your employer from selling his or her property without first paying you.

Are you looking for ways to enforce your judgment that your debtor has refused to pay?

Enforcing court judgment is not a simple process. In most cases, it is advisable to use a qualified judgment enforcement agency to ease the process of recovering what the debtor owes you. Or you can reach out to a third party to sell your judgment. Most importantly, follow the legal process when enforcing your judgment.

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The Ultimate Guide to Have Someone Buy Your Judgment

Nobody wants to go to court. But sometimes, you have to sue someone to get paid what you’re owed. After this long process, the court may award you a judgment. The judgment is a court order instructing the debtor to pay you what he or she owes you. But often the debtor does not pay. So how do you get paid? Are there people who can buy judgments?

The process of enforcing a judgment is long and complicated. In fact, most courts judgments go uncollected. Therefore, if you have a judgment, judgment recovery services might be your best choice to collect.

Who Buys Judgments?

Have you won a case against your debtor in court and been awarded a judgment only to realize that it is worthless since you do not have time to collect it? A reputable judgment collection agency can buy your judgment or help you collect your judgment.

Judgment buyers buy judgment at a lesser amount that the value of the judgment. They give you an immediate solution to your problem.

Judgment buyers prefer to buy a judgment that is easy to collect or recover. The best judgment to buy is against a wealthy person, a company that does not have an outstanding debt, a business has lots of locations, or a person that does not have prior debt or liens against them. Unfortunately, it is rare to find such a debtor!

Before judgment buyers buy a judgment, they first take the time to learn about the debtor’s situation. Fore example, they check that they have not filed for bankruptcy protection.

There are many reasons why buying judgments with a one-time upfront transaction is advantageous to the judgment buyer. Here are advantages of buying judgment with a single transaction upfront.

  • They do not have to share possible recoveries made.
  • They have the freedom of recovering the debt fast for more edge.
  • They are accepted as self-represented litigants almost in court.
  • Buying a judgment makes it possible for a creditor to collect their debt slowly, which may be the judgment buyer’s preference.

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How do judgment buyers buy judgments?

Judgment buyers contact judgment creditors and offer to buy their debt in a way that saves them time, and yet gives them an opportunity to make a profit. The main advantage is recovering the amount owed quickly rather than going through long and tiresome judgment recovery procedures.

Judgment buyers can choose to buy judgments, then recover the debt without the cooperation of the original creditor.

Experienced judgment buyers buy judgment at 1% to 3% of the value of debts that seem difficult to recover. This may because the debtor does not have an obvious way of repaying the debt. In a situation where the debtor has cash or assets to pay the judgment, the judgment buyer will pay more.

Judgment buyers will pay you cash for the judgment when you assign it to them. They will immediately record the assignment in court.

Where can I find judgment buyers?

There are a handful of companies that may be interested in buying your judgment. How can you find one in your state that will give you a good price?

Search through the Internet

Who buys judgments? (we buy judgments)

I am sure you will come across many companies that buy judgments. But, how would you choose the best?
Make use of reviews that have been left by previous customers. They will give you an idea of how the company deals with its customers. Look through their website for signs of integrity and experience. When you contact the company of your choice, make sure you ask about their purchasing rates and if they make sense for you.


Referrals from attorneys, financial advisors, friends, and family. are valuable. They may have insight into the company you are about to do business with. Take note of the information given to you and use it to make your decision.

Who will buy my judgment?

Some judgment collection agencies specialize in judgment collection.  They will help you collect your judgment. But ask them to buy my judgment and you’re unlikely to get a yes. You’ve already taken your time and energy to go to the court to sue an individual or a business that owes you money. You just want to collect what belongs to you without waiting any longer.

So, you might ask yourself, ‘Who will buy my judgment?’, or, ‘How much will someone pay for my judgment?’. If so, then you need a judgment judgment collection agency that pays cash for judgments. Then you get paid quickly, even if the judgment collection agency is unable to recover your money fast.

Instead of waiting for months or probably years to get your money back, you can sell it to a company that buys judgment to relieve you from the stress of collection.

Don't Collect Your Judgment.

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Who buys court judgments?

After you have won a judgment against your debtors, you can try to collect your judgment. But, how? You might consider one of the many different businesses that buy court judgments. Attorneys, private investigators, judgment enforcers, and investors all buy judgments.

It is sometimes difficult for judgment creditors to collect what belongs to you. But today, life has become much easier, thanks to the many judgment collection companies in the market. They will help you collect your judgment fast relieving you the headache of doing it yourself. They are experienced in what they do and can easily monetize your judgment.

What happens if you decide to sell your judgment?

When you finally decide that you want to sell your judgment rather than collecting it yourself, contact a judgment collection agent of your choice for help. The company will take time to assess the judgment. It may, therefore, ask you to send a copy of the judgment and some information about your debtor.

The judgment buyers may also ask for copies of other court documents when needed. Therefore, it is important to note that all the information provided to the collection agent must be accurate to determine the validity of your judgment. Court documents are public information. So don’t worry that you’re sharing confidential information.

An offer for the purchase will thereafter be sent to you. Make sure the offer sent to you is reasonable and fair. When you agree on the amount, the judgment collection company send you a purchase agreement and payment. They will then collect the judgment through legal remedies leaving you completely out of it. This will save you all the hassle and worries that come from dealing with an uncooperative debtor.

Are there companies that buy Judgments?

You should not have to worry about how to collect your judgment. A question like, ‘How do I find a buyer for my labor board judgment?’ or ‘Who will buy my labor board award?’ can be solved by finding a reliable judgment collector that can buy your judgment or help you collect your judgment.

It doesn’t matter who owes you, there are companies who are ready to help recover your debt. You only need to have a court judgment. These companies will buy your judgment with payment depending on the age of the debt, the amount of the debt and the financial situation of your debtor.

Before you select a company to buy your judgment, you should compare several and choose the one with the best offer. If you used an attorney to win your judgment, ask them for recommendations.

Go ahead and contact several companies to get quotes for your judgment. The offers will vary, so use the quote of one company as leverage against on the other when negotiating for better selling terms.

Before a company can buy your judgment, always ask for a contract. The contract should be straightforward and specify simple terms of doing business together. Also, take time to carefully read it to make sure the buyer does not come back to you if they are unable to collect the judgment.

If you have doubts with the contents of the contract always consult an attorney for advice or clarification.

Sell Us Your Court Judgment

We buy California court judgments so you don't have to do judgment enforcement.

How can I find a judgment broker?

Who is a judgment broker? This is an entity that helps judgment creditors to quickly find the right expert to buy or recover their judgment.

You may find a business to have registered under or, but are not really judgment brokers. That is only a domain name and has nothing to do with a judgment broker business.

Judgment brokers work by matching judgment owners to judgment buyers, layers or enforcers, that later help the original judgment buyers recover owed to them.

There are thousands of judgment buyers and recovery specialists. So why are judgment brokers needed? On the web, you will find many judgment buyers and recovery agents that claim to be the best. But judgment brokers know the track of records of judgment buyers and recovery companies. They exactly know what works and who can the best results.

If you choose to work with a judgment broker, choose one that;

  • Does not demand or require any paperwork from you.
  • Will not own your judgment. Always beware before assigning your judgment before they clearly explain it to you why that is required.
  • Can refer you to solutions based on their first-hand knowledge as who can help you out recover or buy your judgment.
  • A judgment brokers should have a database where they can track the performance of different judgment buyers and recoveries.

So, how do judgment brokers earn?

You are not required to pay judgment brokers to find you a perfect judgment buyer. They get paid by the judgment buyers and recovery experts. Judgment creditors act as a fast  route to getting judgment recovery.  In short, we can say judgment brokers are judgment referral experts.

Is there a judgment marketplace?

Who buys court judgements?

You have finally gotten your court judgment against your debtor, only to realize it is worthless because you do not have the time or the knowledge to collect it.

There are judgment marketplaces that are aimed to solve your problem. A good example is where judgment buyers meet people who want to sell a judgment.

Here, you will find business owners, consumers, and corporations who have listed the judgment for sale. Collection agencies and lawyers hang around here to see what judgments to buy.

A Judgment marketplace aims at bringing together judgment buyers and sellers. It acts as a central place where you can find all sorts of judgments. For example, car accident claims, commercial transaction claims, employment cases and many more.

The site serves best those who want to sell their judgments, and it is also a source of business for judgment collectors and law firms. This is an excellent place to buy and sell judgments.

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Will a service buy my judgment?

Are you thinking of selling your judgment? If you are still in a dilemma and still wondering how you will collect your judgment, contact a judgment collection service that will buy your judgment.

There are many judgment collection services in the market today that offer different services. There are those who are willing to buy you judgment and relieve you the stress of collecting. You will have better luck with a local judgment collection service. Judgment collection is a local business.

Will an agency pay me for my judgment?

After winning your claim at the court against your debtor, the court will not help you collect money from your creditor. If the creditor is not willing to pay voluntarily, then it is up to you to know what method to use to recover your debt.

You can contact a debt collection agency to help you collect your debt from your debtor. The judgment collection agent can buy your judgment at a discount to relieve you the stress of the long and tedious collection process.

Here is a great video explaining how judgment buyers buy judgments:

Does anyone buy judgments for cash?

Most judgment collection agencies don’t pay cash for judgments. But there are a few judgment buyers who buy judgments for cash. If your judgment debtor owes you a significant amount, it may take years to collect. So you might choose to find a judgment buyer who will pay you cash.

Judgment collectors can buy your judgment for cash enable you to get your cash quickly. But they will buy your judgment at a discount to its full value. So be prepared to trade quick payment for less money.

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Will anyone buy my court judgment?

Judgment collection is not an easy activity. Therefore, this is a task that cannot be handled by anyone. Professionals that are knowledgeable in the field can collect more money from more debtors more quickly.

Let us look at the following scenario. Imagine you have given your car to a person who does not know how to drive your car. What do you think will happen? Chances are that the driver will cause an accident due to lack of proper driving skill.

The same thing often happens to people who decide to collect their own judgments. They get the judgment, but they end up losing because they cannot collect the money owed by the debtor. It is therefore advisable to look for an experienced judgment collector to purchase your judgment. When you do this with care, your judgment is bought at a fair and reasonable price.

You now know a little better who to contact to buy your judgment. Always make sure to use a reputable judgment buyer to get the best deal for your judgment. Time is of essence. The sooner you act, the better the chances that you can recover your debt.

The Ultimate Guide to Judgment Collection

Winning your lawsuit feels great, but that only gets you halfway through the battle of getting paid. Soon you’ll be asking yourself, “How can I collect my judgment?” because the court will not collect your judgment debt for you for you. It’s up to you to figure out how to collect your money.

Your first step is to research what income or assets the judgment debtor has that could be used to pay your judgment. Even if you work with a judgment recovery specialist, the first question they will want answered is if the debtor has some income or some assets or if the debtor is likely to have collectible assets in the future. In order to collect your judgment the debtor needs to have something to collect from.

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How do you collect a judgment?


First, try some self-help options. California Court’s self-help section lists Tips for Collecting your Judgment on their website. Familiarize yourself with the options available to you when trying to collect your judgment. It includes advice on researching the debtor’s income and assets, garnishing wages, and collecting from the debtor’s property like bank accounts and real estate.

It is important to be organized with your records and keep copies of all documents, actions, contact information and expenses.

Collection Agencies

If you have exhausted the self-help methods, you might consider a Collection Agency. Should you decide to go with a collection agency, you’ll want to confirm that they’re above board in their business practices and tactics before you hire them. For example, most reputable collection agencies will be members of their industry trade group.

In general, creditors (or agents of the creditor) can contact the debtors by phone, text or email but only between certain hours of the day to request debt settlement. On the messages, they must clearly identify themselves as debt collectors, plus give a notice that clearly states what the debtor owes. There are strict requirements on how this notice should be given. So be sure to work with a collection agency that follows these rules.

How do I collect my judgment?

Collecting your judgment can be the most difficult part of your case. The court does not collect the money for you, however the court can help you to collect your money. The first thing you need is a final judgment. It is imperative that you are organized in this process to have a higher chance of collecting. If you miss deadlines, your judgment can become invalid. You’ll want to be familiar with all the ways you can Collect your Judgment.

Of course, the easiest way is if the debtor pays you voluntarily. If your debtor wants to be responsible and pay his debt but cannot pay a lump sum outright, you can work out flexible payment terms with the debtor and you can accept installment payments. Be careful that you do not create a contract that replaces the judgment.

If the debtor does not want to pay you voluntarily, which is most common, then you will need to get information about the debtor’s assets that can be used to satisfy the judgment. Here is where the courts give you a tool to use in the collection process. You can request a debtor’s examination. This is where the debtor is ordered to appear before a court under oath to answer questions about their assets. There are strict legal procedures to follow in this method and unfortunately it is common for debtors to fail to show up to these examinations. Unfortunately a Debtor’s Examination can end up being a waste of time for you.

Sell Us Your Court Judgment

We buy California court judgments so you don't have to do judgment enforcement.

If you do discover that the debtor has assets that can be used to satisfy the judgment, then you can follow the legal steps to collect your judgment from those assets. Below are several methods that you can try. You can even try several of these methods at once.

  • Collect from Wages (Wage Garnishment)
  • Collect from Bank Account or Safe Deposit Box
  • Put a Lien on Real Property
  • Put a Lien on Personal Property
  • Get a Writ of Execution

If debtors are unable to pay their debts because they are insolvent or do not have the assets to collect, lawyers call this judgment proof. Other debtors who do not want to pay can do a great job of hiding assets and have gone to the extent of transferring their assets to become judgment proof.

However, even if your debtor is unwilling to pay, you still have options to collect your judgment, such as:

  • A Bank levy
  • Wage Garnishment
  • A Till Tap
  • Seizing Personal Property
  • Real Estate Lien

Seizing money from the debtor’s bank account is known as a bank levy. You need to have details of the debtor’s bank account, account name and the name of the bank for a successful cash transfer. Taking a percentage of the debtor’s wages to collect your judgment is a wage garnishment. A till tap is against a business cash register. A real estate lien might get you paid if the judgment debtor sells or refinances their property, if there is enough equity in the property and it does not qualify for exemptions.


How do I collect when I win a lawsuit?

Here are a few key tips that will help you with the collection process:

  • Ask. First step is to ask, by writing a Demand Letter. Keep it simple and state the facts only. Remind them that each day they do not pay the judgment accumulates interest. Additionally, the debtor should know that non-payment will negatively affect their credit score.
  • Be Persistent. People may be reluctant to pay a debt even after a court order. You can always use the court to help you recover your money. As mentioned above there are several methods to try. If one is unsuccessful, try another.
  • When everything fails. If you have exhausted all methods and it seems that your judgment debtor is judgment proof, be sure that you renew your judgment if its about to expire. Your judgment debtor’s fortunes could turn within the next 10 years and you will continue to have the right to collect your judgment for as long as the judgment is valid.
  • Hire a Judgment Professional. You can find a judgment collection professional who may be able to offer you a cash payment immediately for your judgment.

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How do I collect my labor board judgment?

You filed a wage claim with the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, the claim was investigated by the labor board, reviewed by an administrator, and then a hearing was held to determine the outcome of your case. If I win a labor board award, the labor commissioner will file my award as a court judgment if the business does not pay the wage claim.

So, how do I collect my labor board judgment? The Labor Commissioner’s judgment enforcement unit will offer to collect your judgment. In general, this is not a great option, because they likely will not put adequate resources on judgment enforcement. They will require that you assign your judgment to them which will prohibit your ability to collect your judgment yourself.

If the business that owes you money has shuttered its doors, you may be out of luck. If the business is open or additional judgment debtors are named, then there is still a chance that you can collect on your judgment. At this point you may want to find a judgment recovery professional who has experience in Wage Claims.

What judgment collection services are available?

There are several types of judgment collection agencies. Each type of judgment collector will specialize in different types of judgments and enforcement methods. Some judgment collectors specialize in family law cases, others in labor board awards or small claims suits. Different judgment collectors favor different enforcement methods. Some prefer to levy and sell real estate, some garnish wages, others focus on finding bank accounts.

Understand your financial relationship before hiring a collection agency. They will receive a percentage of the amount collected and you will likely have to wait until they collect on the judgment before you see any money.

Is there an agency that pays you today collects your judgment later?

The good news is YES, there are agencies who can pay you cash for your judgment. If you are tired of trying to collect the judgment yourself, look for judgment professionals who are willing to buy your judgment for an up-front fixed fee.

Months or years might go by with no payment from the debtor. Creditors will ask themselves, ‘Who can help me collect my judgment?’

It is up to the judgment creditor to figure out how he or she will collect their judgment. Collecting can be even more challenging than winning!

Using judgment collectors can be an easy way collect your small claim lawsuit. But how do you choose your collecting agency?

Some collection agencies will pay you first then collect your judgment. Others will first collect your judgment then pay you as the money comes in. Compare offers from different judgment collectors and find one that fits your needs.

The fixed fee will be lower than the amount owed to you, but the huge benefit is that you get paid before the judgment collector has recovered even part of the judgment. Judgment recovery professionals are good at what they do, but they will not always recover on every judgment they buy. So, they take a financial risk when buying a judgment, therefore they will need offer discounted buyouts.

Sell Us Your Court Judgment

We buy California court judgments so you don't have to do judgment enforcement.

How can I select a judgment collection agency?

Consider both their fee and their recovery rate

Judgment collectors offer to buy your court judgment at less than its full amount because they need to cover their costs of doing business. They have enforcement costs, filing fees, possible attorney’s fees, and they take the financial risk of collecting nothing at all.

Taking that into account, is the amount that the judgment collector offers you reasonable? How quickly do you need to see some money? Consider these factors before choosing your judgment collector.

Agencies will keep a percentage of the total amount that they are able to collect. So, when choosing your judgment collection agency look at the percentage they keep and their recovery rate.

A judgment collection agency with a high recovery and percentage charged is better than one with a low debt recovery rate and low percentage charged.

From the below example, if you were to choose between judgment collectors A and B, B would be the better choice because they help you recover more money.

Agency A      Agency B
Percentage charged 12% 40%
Recovery Rate 7% 25%
Amount recovered out of 50k $3500 $12500
Cash Returned to the
$3080 $7500

Get a look at their collection history

How do I find judgment collectors?

Important information can come from those who have previously purchased a businesses’ products or used their services. Therefore, it is important to make sure to ask for referrals from businesses or individuals who have successfully worked with the judgment collectors in the past.

Judgment collectors are experts at debt recovery, and they are there to help you recover your judgment. You can get good information about collection agencies and judgment professionals from:

  • The Better Business Bureau (BBB)
  • Trade Associations and Licensing Boards
  • The Chamber of Commerce
  • Social Media, including Yelp and Reddit

Check for Licensing

May debt collecting agencies are required to have a license to practice as stated under the collection agency laws. At the very least an agency should have appropriate business licensing, if required by law.

How much does a Judgment Collection Agency Charge?

Judgment collection agencies’ fees depend on a variety of factors related to the judgment and their professional business practices. Be sure you fully understand the financial arrangement and offer before accepting it.

California judgments are valid for ten years. The period to collect your judgment starts running from the entry date of the judgment. It is important to remember that you can legally renew your California judgment for an additional 10 years if you properly renew with the courts. If your judgment has expired, it is invalid and no longer enforceable.

The judgment collection process can become easier when you get professional enforcement help. Here are ways in which judgment collection agents can charge for their services:

Contingency Basis

When a judgment collection agency does not pay unless they collect on your judgment, the agency is working on a contingency basis. The advantage to this method is the client never pays anything out of pocket. But the disadvantage is that it can take a long time to see any money, if ever.

Fixed-price Basis

Some judgment collectors choose to pay a fixed price for a judgment up-front with no waiting time. The money paid to the judgment creditor is immediate. The advantage to the creditor is that they get money in their pocket right away, with no waiting period.

Variable Costs

When a judgment collecting agency uses both fixed-price and contingency fee structure, they are operating on variable costs structure.

Judgment collection agencies often choose to tier their payment rates by size. Even small judgments require a certain level of effort to earn a certain amount, regardless of the amount. This means that smaller judgments have lower payment rates. Check out the below example to help you understand this concept better. Know that each agency will have different payment percentages and fees.

Based on size Payment in %
Under $1,000 10%
$1,000 – $5,000 15%
$5,000 -$50,000 20%
$50,000 -$500,000 30%
over $500,000 50%

Payment for a judgment claim also is dependent on whether the debtor has assets that can be used to recover the debt.

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How do I work with a judgment collection agency or service?

Collecting your judgment can be made easy by working with judgment collection agencies. Even though you do not recover the full amount of your judgment, using a judgment collection professional can be of great help in getting you some money right away.

Working with a judgment collection service is easy. After you select an agency, they will mail you one or two short documents to assign the judgment to them for collection. That’s it! You should expect occasional updates from them, and with some luck, eventually a check.

You might also work with a judgment buyer who pays you cash up front. Judgment buyers will send you very similar documents to assign your judgment to them. The best part is that they will also include a check!

Plan Your Strategy

Every judgment gives the losing party a chance to appeal. Therefore, most judgment buyers will not buy a judgment until the last day of filling the appeal has passed. During this waiting period you might not want to begin enforcing your judgment because you might encourage the party who lost to file an appeal.

Get to Know the Debtors Assets

After losing a lawsuit, the debtor can do many things so that you do not collect his assets. He may proceed to declare bankruptcy or try to transfer some of his assets.

To stay ahead of the game, you should immediately put a lien the debtor’s property. You can do this by recording an Abstract of Judgment in the recorder’s office in the county where the debtor owns property. Once recorded, the debtor cannot transfer his properties to another party without paying the lien.

Educate yourself

It is important to know what you are doing during the collection stage. Read through your state’s court website for very helpful information on Tips for Collecting Your Judgment.  Learn everything you need to know about wage garnishments, property liens, and bank levies and more

Consider Hiring a Professional

There are many agencies that are available and can help you collect your judgment in exchange for a percentage of what they collect on the judgment. Take your time to select the best agency that fits your needs. If you do not have the time to collect your judgment, or if you are overwhelmed with the whole process, a collection agency can be a good solution. After all, it is better to collect some of the money than none of it.

Sell Us Your Court Judgment

We buy California court judgments so you don't have to do judgment enforcement.

How difficult is it to collect a judgment?

Collecting the judgment can be the most difficult and challenging part of the case. You can do it yourself, hire a collection agency or hire a judgment buyer. Most collection services will take a percentage of the debt only if they can recover the money. Most judgment buyers will buy the judgment at a discount, but pay you immediately. Know that the process of judgment collection can be long, frustrating and time consuming for the judgment creditor.

As seen above, winning in the court is not the end of the road. Collecting your judgment can be difficult. Here are things that make collection of a judgment difficult.

  • Debtor declares bankruptcy.
  • Debtor refuses to pay.
  • Debtor hides assets.
  • Debtor has no assets that can be used to pay for the judgment.
  • Debtor is protected within a business entity (i.e., LLC or Corp).

How do I Find judgment collectors?

Some judgment collection agencies specialize in specific industries and can help you recover your debt more easily depending on their expertise. Do your research and ask lots of questions.

It is important to take time to look for a reputable debt collection agency. Some agencies have been around for a long time and have positive reviews, while others fall below ethical guidelines and laws. Be sure to work with only reputable professionals.

Before choosing your judgment collection professional, ask yourself the below question to find a good match.

  • Does the debt collection agent specialize in my industry?
  • Is the judgment collection agency certified by any industry groups?
  • Can the debt collection agency tailor their services to suit my need?
  • What is the reputation of the agency?
  • Will the judgment professional pay me up-front?
  • What is the success rate of debt collection?
  • Is the agent transparent in the efforts to collect your debt?
  • Is the agency asking me to pay up-front fees?

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Where can I find help collecting a judgment?

Attorney, Collection Agency, Judgment Buyer, or you

After winning your lawsuit, you can hire an attorney, a judgment collection agency, a judgment buyer, or you can try to collect your judgment yourself. Your choice depends on your preference and needs.

  • Hire an attorney. If the judgment creditor can pay an attorney to help them with judgment collection, that is always an option. The upfront costs are higher than other options, but an attorney will likely be dedicated to the case.
  • A judgment collection agency will try to enforce your judgment at no cost you and will pay you only if they can collect. The benefit is that there are no upfront costs, but it could take a long time to receive any money, if at all.
  • A judgment buyer will pay you cash up-front immediately for your judgment if certain criteria are met related to the judgment. Your offer will be less than the judgment amount, but the benefit is that you get immediate payment.
  • You can choose to enforce your judgment yourself using self-help methods available to you. You’ll keep everything you collect. But judgment enforcement can be time consuming, confusing, and frustrating for the judgment creditor.

The easiest and quickest way to collect your judgment is to work with a judgment buyer. This option is the only way to receive immediate up-front cash selling your judgment.